Philippians 4:13

I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Magnetize Artwork

If you're like me, you have a lot of artwork to display... masterpieces created by your children. And they are masterpieces. But where do you put all of it? I have some up on the refrigerator, some on the walls in the playroom, some in scrapbooks. You name a place, it's probably there. But here's an idea if you have a small drawing created by your Picasso. Make it a glass magnet... so it can hold up another piece of artwork on the refrigerator.

Items needed: artwork, glass stones, clear drying glue, button magnets.
  • You'll need some round, flat, clear glass stones. You can find a bag of these at the dollar store. Just make sure they're not cloudy or full of bubbles.
  • Scan your child's artwork into your computer and shrink it to a size that when printed will fit behind the stone, about an inch, depending on the size of your stone.
  • Print in color.
And be sure to print extras to make magnets for the Grandparents, too.
  • Cut a circle around the artwork. I used my one-inch punch. It was the perfect size. 
  • Use a clear drying glue and spread it lightly over the front of the artwork and place it under the stone, so you can see the artwork through the stone. Press out any air bubbles. Tacky Glue works great... just keep it a thin layer, or better yet get the clear Tacky Glue. E-6000 is another choice, you just have to hold it longer and be extra diligent with bubbles.
  • After it is dry, glue a good, strong button magnet to the back.
In the picture above, the magnet on the left was a drawing from my older daughter when she was four. This flower was her "signature" drawing for the time. I LOVED it. This one was just a little drawing on a little piece of scrap paper, and I knew I had to keep it. I still have that original piece of paper, but the drawing itself was perfect for a magnet. We made magnets for us, for Grandparents, for teachers... they all got one!

The magnet on the right was made by my preschooler a couple of months ago, and it too was her "signature" drawing, and I thought it was perfect to make a magnet for her, too. And yes... everyone got one.

This project would not work for a full page intensive drawing, but just a small doodle that your child has created that you could envision being the face of a magnet.

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands." Psalm 19:1

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