Philippians 4:13

I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rain on My Parade

To say it's raining today would be to understate the situation. But I am thankful for the warmer temperatures so that what's falling from the sky is wet and not white. I love snow, but this MI-->GA-->TN girl has had enough of that for this year. Our weather today makes me think back to the planning of my first grader's 6th Birthday Party. We'd planned to have an outdoor carnival style party. And wouldn't you know the weather did not cooperate. Most of our games were okay to bring indoors, but one in particular I was really disappointed about not being able to do... but wait... could we do it indoors? INDEED!

The idea was to use sidewalk chalk to make a giant game board on the sidewalk and driveway, where the children would be the game pieces. My daughter and I used a small cube box and made one large die.

Clearly... I was not going to use sidewalk chalk on the floor in my house, but as I stood in the kitchen trying to think of something, I noticed the floor. LARGE SQUARE TILES. So I got some paper, and on each piece of paper, I wrote an action like "Sit Down," and "Stand on One Leg," and "Run in Place," and "Sing the ABCs," etc. Then I taped a piece of paper in each square tile and created a giant game board that started almost at the front door and ended somewhere in the kitchen. So despite the morning rain (by the time the party started the rain was gone, but my oh my did it bring the humidity. No one would have enjoyed being outside for very long anyway!!), we had a great game and a great party.

I can't post a blog about the party without showing you the cake... though it has a few modifications, this idea came from... you guessed it...

Thanks for reminiscing with me. Regardless of the weather, remember to thank God for another day to love on those around you.

"This is the day the Lord has made.We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

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